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The God of Order - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

The God of Order details logo    Our Daily Bread - Saturday, April 13, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
The God of Order

Bible in a Year : 1 Samuel 22-24, Luke 12:1-31

The earth was complete chaos, and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.
Genesis 1:2 nrsv

Today's Scripture & Insight : Genesis 1:1-10

Seth took all the medications he could find in the medicine cabinet. Raised in a family filled with brokenness and disorder, his life was a mess. His mom was regularly abused by his father until his dad took his own life. Now Seth wanted to “just end” his own. But then a thought came to mind, Where do I go when I die? By God’s grace, Seth didn’t die that day. And in time, after studying the Bible with a friend, he received Jesus as his Savior. Part of what drew Seth to God was seeing the beauty and order in creation. He said, “I . . . see things that are just beautiful. Someone made all this.”

In Genesis 1, we read of the God who indeed created all things. And although “the earth was complete chaos” (v. 2 nrsv), He brought order out of disorder. He “separated the light from the darkness” (v. 4), placed land amid the seas (v. 10), and made plants and creatures according to their “kinds” (vv. 11-12, 21, 24-25). The One who “created the heavens and earth and put everything in place” (Isaiah 45:18 nlt) continues to, as Seth discovered, bring peace and order to lives surrendered to Christ.

Life can be chaotic and challenging. Praise God that He’s not “a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). Let’s call out to Him today and ask Him to help us find the beauty and order He alone provides.

By: Tom Felten

Reflect & Pray
What chaos are you experiencing in your life? How can God help you bring order and peace to it?

Creator God, thank You for the peace and order You alone provide. In You, broken things become beautiful.
The God of Order


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