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In God’s Arms - All Our Daily Bread Daily Devotionals for 2024

In God’s Arms details logo    Our Daily Bread - Thursday, April 4, 2024
  by RBC Ministries
In God’s Arms

Bible in a Year : Ruth 1-4, Luke 8:1-25

I will be with him in trouble.
Psalm 91:15

Today's Scripture & Insight : Psalm 91:1-2, 14-16

The sound of the drill terrified five-year-old Sarah. She leaped out of the dentist’s chair and refused to get back in. Nodding understandingly, the dentist told her father, “Daddy, get into the chair.” Jason thought he was meant to show his daughter how easy it was. But then the dentist turned to the little girl and said, “Now, climb up and sit in Daddy’s lap.” With her father now cradling her in his reassuring arms, Sarah relaxed completely, and the dentist was able to continue.

That day, Jason learned a great lesson about the comfort of the presence of his heavenly Father. “Sometimes, God [chooses not to] take over what we have to go through,” he said. “But God was showing me, ‘I will be there with you.’ ”

Psalm 91 speaks of the comforting presence and power of God that gives us the strength to face our trials. Knowing that we can rest in His powerful arms gives us great assurance, as does His promise to those who love Him: “He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble” (v. 15).

There are many unavoidable challenges and trials in life, and we will inevitably have to go through pain and suffering. But with God’s reassuring arms wrapped around us, we’ll be able to bear our crises and circumstances, and let Him strengthen our faith as we grow through them.

By: Leslie Koh

Reflect & Pray
What trials are you going through now? How can you remind yourself that God is always with you?

Gracious Father, thank You for Your reassuring presence in my circumstances. Please help me through them, knowing that You’re always with me.
In God’s Arms


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